Most Australaian Band EverThe Hard Ons Winner 2024

Most Australaian Band EverThe Hard Ons Winner 2024

Three migrant school kids (Korean, Sri Lankan and Croatian) form a band in the '80s. They fight racism and the music industry to take their Aussie punk music to the world. The Hard-Ons become the biggest independent Australian band of their time and blaze a trail overseas for other bands to follow.

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Most Australaian Band EverThe Hard Ons Winner 2024
  • The Most Austrailian Band Ever - The Hard Ons

    Three migrant school kids (Korean, Sri Lankan and Croatian) form a band in the '80s. They fight racism and the music industry to take their Aussie punk music to the world. The Hard-Ons become the biggest independent Australian band of their time and blaze a trail overseas for other bands to follow.