Lilly visits the hospital

Lilly visits the hospital

Lilly, a 12' tall orange Monster takes her friend Fluffle to visit patients in a hospital. What could go wrong?
Film by The Bum Family are a group of 6 cousins from Calgary, Canada, who create short animated movies together. Maezy, Medina and Zaiyah Dennie (ages 21, 20 and 17), and Berlin, Ocean and Sol (ages 21, 18 and 14) write their stories, create the artwork, direct, animate and voice their movies.

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Lilly visits the hospital
  • Lilly Visit the hospital

    Film by The Bum Family are a group of 6 cousins from Calgary, Canada, who create short animated movies together.
    Lilly, a 12' tall orange Monster takes her friend Fluffle to visit patients in a hospital. What could go wrong?

    Maezy, Medina and Zaiyah Dennie (ages 21, 20 and 17), and Berlin, Ocean...